A hair transplant that does not exist in Istanbul

admin on 29 November 2022

Everyone sees the hair transplant process as very operational, lengthy and tedious; The patients at Novillus Haar excepted.

Novillus Haar offers its patients a privileged and unique hair transplant experience. Novillus Haar invites you to a pleasant experience emphasizing "Arrival, Travel, Food, Hair Transplant, Travel and Return" and abandons the standard "Arrival, Hair Transplant and Return" mentality.

Take the plane to Istanbul and see and experience the unique history of Istanbul with your own eyes and at the same time have a hair transplant performed in experienced hands is possible. In this 1-2 days process you can enjoy this trip by being able to see one of the most beautiful and important cities in Turkey and even in the world.

Both financially and spiritually, having a hair transplant in Istanbul is very beneficial, it gives you the opportunity to travel and get your dream hair for two days in one of the most important cities in the world, comfortably and professionally.

If you would also like to take advantage of this unique opportunity and experience a dreamlike hair transplant, give us a call.
