PRP Treatments

What is PRP treatment?
Hair PRP platelet-rich plasma or thrombocyte-rich plasma is centrifuged autologous blood that is injected under the scalp
ist zentrifugiertes Eigenblut, das unter die Kopfhaut injiziert wird.

The plasma contains growth factors that are already present in our blood. Through the bloodstream, growth factors are found throughout our body. When a wound in our body needs to be healed or regenerated, the factors multiply at that point and regenerate or heal our body. Due to external influences, genetic factors, aging, stress, smoking or drinking alcohol, the renewal of growth factors slows down or stops completely.

Therefore, it is best to centrifuge the blood and inject the plasma containing the growth factors into the scalp. The factors stimulate the roots to grow and strengthen. The first results can be seen after 1-2 weeks, over time the hair becomes stronger.

No chemical substances are added, so there are no allergic reactions or side effects.

PRP Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Blood Tube Gel for Face and Hair Treatment
PRP application to strengthen hair. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet-rich plasma protein concentrate from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells.

The sensitivity to pain varies from person to person. If necessary, you can numb the head locally with a cream. The treatment lasts 30-45 minutes. Depending on the age and the hair problems, 3-6 sessions are necessary. After the cure, we recommend repeating the PRP treatment once a year.

When can you use PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatment?

  • in case of hair loss
  • for thin and weak hair
  • to adjust the structure of the transplanted hair
  • to strengthen the roots after transplantation
  • for skin, face and décolleté rejuvenation
  • for acne scars and spots
  • for scars from injuries, scars after operations
  • for age spots
  • for freckles
  • for wrinkles

PRP treatment can be applied to all areas of the body where growth factors promote the healing process.

We use PRP treatment at our headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. For further information you can contact us by telephone or in writing. Or you can easily make an appointment online.
